RIDE PARTNER: Blazing Saddles Century

Saturday, August 19, 2017 at 07:00 AM

blazingsaddles.jpgBlazing Saddles is one of the earliest rides of the fall century season. Travel through the rural towns of Boston's North Shore and southern New Hampshire. Ride along beautiful rivers, lakes, and bridges; past New England churches, town halls, and farms. The terrain includes rolling hills, long sunny flats, and rural roads. The nearby ocean provides cool breezes, trees provide plenty of shade in places, and the sun lends warmth on those open flat stretches. 

Blazing Saddles includes routes of 32,50, 62, and 100 miles. The 100-mile route has 2 full rest stops at approximately 50, and 75 miles, plus a water stop at 25 miles (exact mileage may vary). Other routes have 1 full rest stop.

For more information and registration click here.