Statewide E-Bike Rebate Update: E-Bike Info Page + Rebate Interest Form Now Available!

In anticipation of the statewide e-bike rebate program, the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center has launched a new page aimed at educating Massachusetts residents about the benefits of e-bikes.

MassCEC notes that “By reducing your use of gas-powered vehicles, you can help Massachusetts reach key carbon reduction goals. With an electric motor that costs less than a dollar per charge, electric bicycles are much less expensive than cars and much easier to ride than conventional bikes.”

In the fall of 2024 or spring of 2025, MassCEC expects to launch a statewide e-bike incentive to partially offset the cost of e-bikes for low- and moderate-income residents. Further details will be available closer to the launch date.

The program is not yet accepting applications but is collecting contact information of interested individuals to ensure they’re notified when the application is launched. Those interested in the program should fill out MassCEC’s E-Bike Rebate Interest Form

Learn more about the benefits of e-bikes on MassCEC’s Electric Bicycles page and learn more about Massachusetts e-bike laws on MassBike’s Electric Bikes page.

As more information about the statewide e-bike rebate program becomes available, MassBike will provide updates. Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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