MassDOT Biking Toward Sustainability
We were glad to see more evidence that the state gets it when it comes to bicycling. Back in August, we made extensive comments on MassDOT's GreenDOT Draft Implementation Plan. GreenDOT is MassDOT's sustainability initiative, and the implementation plan is the document laying out the path to achieving the goals contained within it. The final draft, which was recently released, reflects our suggested changes and represents a bold vision for moving our transportation system in a more sustainable, bike-friendly direction.
We highly encourage you to take a look at the plan. Of particular interest is the "Policy/Planning" section, which describes the ways in which MassDOT intends to expand multimodal options, support livable communities, and triple the mode share of bicycling, walking and transit use by 2030. Contained within this section are goals to increase the creation of Complete Streets projects, expand bicycle parking and transit access, and continue expanding the length and connections of biking and walking facilities. And that's just a start.
There is still a lot of work to do to make sure that these high-level policies are reflected in the projects and operations on the ground. In an organization with 6,000 employees, changing culture can be a tall order. However, this document is a major step in the right direction with far-reaching implications, and we were glad that we could be a part of the development process.