More Ways To Give

Along with becoming a MassBike donor and Business Supporter, below are a few ways you can support MassBike's mission. If you are looking to give to MassBike, reach out to us at [email protected].

For your records 

MassBike's legal name: "Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition Inc."

MassBike's Federal Tax I.D. Number: 04-2692252

MassBike's Mailing Address: MassBike, 50 Milk Street, 16th Floor, Boston, MA 02109. 

Send a check

Make your gift to MassBike by mail!

Payee: Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition

Send to: MassBike, 50 Milk Street, 16th Floor, Boston, MA 02109

Company Match Programs

Make your gift to MassBike go double the distance!

Contact your Human Resources Office to determine if you work for a matching gift company. You will need to obtain their gift form and fill out the employee portion. 

Create a Digital Fundraiser

Celebrating a birthday or another special celebration? Why not create a Facebook or other social platform fundraiser to benefit MassBike. 

If you set up a digital fundraiser for MassBike, reach out to [email protected] so we can thank you for your generous decision.

Host a House Party

Meet over zoom, until we can all be together again, to rally your friends, family, and colleagues to become donors and support better bicycling across Massachusetts. MassBike board and staff members can join to talk about our work, share local advocacy campaigns, and learn what's important to you about bicycling in the commonwealth. 

Estate Gifts

You can build upon MassBike’s work of better bicycling for Massachusetts since 1977; become a part of the MassBike Legacy Giving Circle.

You can make a gift (bequest) to MassBike through your will or living trust in the following ways:

  • A percentage of the residue of your total estate — In using this approach, your gift adjusts with changes in the size of your estate.
  • A gift of a specific amount.

Alternatively, retirement plan assets are one of the most tax-advantaged charitable gifts. This is because if left to individuals (other than a spouse), such assets will subject your heirs to income taxes. It is more tax-advantaged to leave other types of assets to your heirs and gift the more heavily taxed retirement plan assets to Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition. If you are considering making this type of gift, please reach out to us and we will walk you through the process. 


Using appreciated stock is a tax-wise way to fund your gift to MassBike. Gifts of appreciated securities held longer than one year are exempt from capital gains taxes and for outright gifts entitle the donor to a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities at the time of transfer. Use the Cocatalyst button below to donate stock to MassBike.

Cocatalyst enables us to easily accept stock donations. When you donate stock using the button below, you will receive a tax receipt from Cocatalyst and MassBike will receive the money from the shares.

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