Chances are, your project or program has similarities that are comparable to examples from around the state and country, since we have many non-profits, government agencies, and advocacy groups working on better bicycling.

Below is a list of collected reports and design guides for you to use as inspiration.


Design Guides

Audits, Maintenance, Tool Kit

Economic Benefit Reports & Case Studies 

MassTrails: From Vision to Reality SUP

MassDOT: Planning & Design

Bike League IdeaBook

Rails to Trails: TrailNation Playbook

East Coast Greenway Design Guide

MassTrails: Bike Wayfinding

Mass Central Rail Trail Feasibility

Sustainable Street Network Principles


Inclusive Trails Access Tool Kit

AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit

Safe Routes to Schools Tool Kit

MA Trail Surface Condition Study


Protected Bikes Mean Business

StreetLight Bike Boom 2023

Mass Central Rail Trail Benefits Study

MassTrails Shared Use Path Impact

MassTrails Shared Use Path Benefits

Smart Growth America, Rural Mobility

Cambridge Data Report 2023