Bring MassBike to Your Kids' School!

Each school year, MassBike teaches thousands of elementary and middle school children how to ride their bikes more safely. Since beginning our youth education outreach, we've brought our school-age workshops to schools in Worcester, Cambridge, Salem, Franklin, Framingham and dozens of communities around the state.

With April vacation upon us, MassBike already has bike safety classes scheduled at multiple elementary and middle schools around Massachusetts. With your help, our expert instructors could reach even more children (including yours!) on the importance of bicycle maintenance, helmet use and road safety.

The MassBike Safe Routes to School curriculum reviews basic maintenance (Air, Brakes, Chain & Quick Release), rules of the road, proper helmet fitting and nighttime visibility. Our instructors tailor the message to age-level to ensure that these critical safety lessons are most appropriate, effective and empowering.

The classes are funded through the state's Safe Routes to School Program, thus free to the participating schools. To receive these courses, talk to your school’s principal, P.E. teacher or another employee and let them know you would like MassBike to lead these classes.  To schedule a class, send an email to [email protected] and we can get the ball rolling.

More about Safe Routes to School

MassBike is able to offer these youth safety classes through the state’s Safe Routes to School Program.  Safe Routes to School is a federally-funded initiative which promotes healthy transportation alternatives for trips to and from school.  The program aims to foster a mobile and active lifestyle and to reduce traffic congestion and improve public health by encouraging the use of alternative transportation. MassBike has been teaching through the Safe Routes to School Program since 2009.