Springfield Bike Lane Celebration

Springfield is well on the way to better biking, and when we look back we can say it all started with the bike lane on Plumtree Road. As we wrote about recently, it is thanks to our work with the City of Springfield and, specifically, the leadership of their Public Works Director Al Chwalek, that we were able to get this bicycle facility installed.

Accordingly, MassBike, in collaboration with the City of Springfield and the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC), has planned a celebration of this groundbreaking facility. We encourage bicyclists to come out, rain or shine, for this event.

When: Monday, November 25 at 12 PM
Where: The corner of Plumtree Road and Puritan Road

We are hoping to get Mayor Sarno to attend and say a few words, and there will be representatives from MassBike, the City, PVPC, and other community groups. While we celebrate this as a victory for MassBike, it is really a victory for a much larger coalition called Live Well Springfield. MassBike is just one player in a cross-cutting effort to get more nutritious food and active living options into downtown Springfield.

Please join us if you can. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Program Associate Jimmy Pereira at [email protected].

As part of our Bikeable Communities Program, we offer a number of technical assistance services, including Bicycle Planning Assistance, Bikeability Assessments, and Bikeable Communities Trainings.