Mark Your Calendars For Bay State Bike Week!

What do the Northampton Tweed Ride, Jamaica Plain Free Pancake Breakfast, Franklin Bike Rodeo, and over 170 other local bike events around Massachusetts all have in common?

They are all part of Bay State Bike Week, the annual celebration of human-powered transportation across Massachusetts. With temperatures quickly rising, it's time to polish off that dirty bike you've been riding all winter, or dust off the one that's been idling through the coldest months, and get ready for this year's festivities.

Every year, bike enthusiasts across Massachusetts plan events in their communities. Events range from bike safety classes for children to rides of silence to commuter breakfasts and beyond. Last year's festivities even included a tour of Pioneer Valley wineries!

This year's Bay State Bike Week will be from May 10 through May 18. Visit the Bay State Bike Week website to learn about events happening in your local area, how to plan an event, or to add your event to the calendar. Be sure to like Bay State Bike Week on Facebook, follow on Twitter, and keep up to date with the hashtag #BSBW.

Bay State Bike Week is a partnership between MassBike, MassDOT, and MassRIDES, in collaboration with local advocacy leaders, bike shop owners, and anyone else who likes seeing others go by bike.