Is Bike Share in the Future for the Pioneer Valley?

The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) is currently working to determine the feasibility and interest in a bike share program for the Pioneer Valley. As part of this process, they have launched a new online survey to help gauge demand for such a program in the region.

Bike share systems, like Boston's Hubway, allow riders to check bikes out from self-service kiosks and use them for short, "point A to point B" trips. When implemented successfully, bike share systems can compliment existing transit systems to give people greater car-free mobility, and boost the number of bike trips in a particular city or region.

According to their website, PVPC is working with the communities of Holyoke, Springfield, Amherst, and Northampton, as well as the colleges UMASS Amherst, Springfield College, Springfield Technical Community College, Mt. Holyoke College, Hampshire College, Amherst College, and Smith College to complete a feasibility study for establishing a pilot-scale Regional Bike Share program.

If you are a resident of the Pioneer Valley resident, or know somebody who is, we encourage you to take 2 minutes to fill out the survey.

Click here to fill out the survey in English.

Click here to fill out the survey in Spanish.