Bay State Bike Week Rolling Strong, Get Out There And Ride!

The first official statewide Bay State Bike Week is in full gear! We've already had awesome bike breakfasts and other events all over the state, with much more to come. The MassCommuter Challenge has blown away its goal of 125,000 miles pledged and is closing in on 200,000 miles! MassBike and MassDOT got together this year to throw a unifying umbrella over Bike Week, showing everyone just how many people want to get around by bike. Yes, you heard it, our state government is actively encouraging bicycling, and we really appreciate the collaborative effort this year. MassBike has been working hard to build a stronger relationship with MassDOT and other state agencies, and Bay State Bike Week and the Same Roads, Same Rules campaign are the most visible fruits of that effort to date.

Check out the calendar, get a free t-shirt or ankle reflector, grab a Same Roads, Same Rules spoke card, and have fun!

Here is a small sample of events this week:

Click here to find events near you