Help The Boston MPO Identify Problem Intersections
Thanks to KTesh via Flickr
Do you live in one of the 101 cities and towns in the Boston MPO Region? Here is your chance to tell the people who make transportation funding decisions about the worst intersections in your area. In this month's TransReport from the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is a call for the public to help identify problem intersections in their community through a new online form.
Contribute valuable data to the Congestion Management Process, a system the MPO uses to monitor performance of traffic facilities in the region to improve safety and reduce congestion. Many of the major trouble spots along roadways are at intersections where all road users -- bicyclists, pedestrians, disabled, buses, trucks, and motor vehicles -- interact. The MPO's vision is to maintain and upgrade facilities to improve safety, efficiency, and mobility for all users.
To evaluate an intersection, the MPO collects information on vehicles turning, bicycle and pedestrian use, signal timings, delays, crash rates, and flow rates; then they recommend areas for potential improvements. This form is part of that process.
The MPO staff compiled a list of problem intersections for residents to choose from using data from identified top crash locations across the region. These are broken down by community and listed in no particular order on the online form. Residents are also able to add an intersection location that was not previously identified, as well as reasons why that intersection may be dangerous.
To Report A Problem
Click Here to access the interactive form on the website.
Choose the city where the intersection is located by clicking the down arrow next to "Acton" (it's set there by default) and click submit.
The intersections in the selected community will then come up, along with a space for your name, email and reasons why you chose the specific intersection. You can choose the pinpointed intersections or submit your own if you scroll down on this screen. Click "Submit" at the bottom when you are done.
The process should only take a few minutes, and you can do it for as many intersections as you want.
To see intersections that have already been identified in your community, as well as results of the public form (once compiled), Click Here. The option to search by town, highway number, total crashes, bicycle and pedestrian crashes, and level of service is available.
Send additional questions or comments to Eric Howard at [email protected]