I Am A Construction Project Manager, And I Ride

Here's another great story from our And I Ride campaign! We are seeking to put a face on cycling in support of a legislative campaign that we are working on this year. You can read the rest of these great bicyclist bios here.

We are still accepting entries, so be sure to read below to find out how to send in your story.

Our next story comes from Herb.

Where I Ride: mountain biking all over NE. Commuting from Sullivan MBTA lot to downtown Boston

How Often I Ride: 4-5 days a week

My Story:

Biking is my release from all things that eat me up all week, family, work, stress - everything.

Mountain biking gives me alignment with who I am and what my goals are.

Commuting, although not that long of one, allows me some exercise in the morning (along with stimulation of not getting killed) and enjoyment of the sights and smells (north end bakeries) and in the evening unwinds me for the final car commute home.

Thanks Herb!

We want to hear your story. Tell us about yourself and how bicycling is a part of your life. Just copy and paste the form below into an email, fill it in, and send it to [email protected].

    • Name:


    • Email:


    • Where You Ride:


    • How Often You Ride:


    • Your Profession/Relation/Title (lawyer, nurse, Grandma, son, etc):


    • A picture of you on your bicycle, or you in your daily life (be sure we can see your face):


    • A paragraph or two about your life and your bicycle: