Redbones Bike Party 2011 - Be There June 6th!
A long-time leader in the local bike community, Redbones is the place to be during the annual bike party. The block party is a great way to hang out with other bicyclists, have a good time, and get a delicious meal. The fifteenth straight year of this event, the night includes food, drink, live music & an amazing raffle. Plus, all proceeds go to support MassBike and NEMBA! This event has raised thousands of dollars over the years to support biking, so we hope to see you there!
Date: Monday, June 6 (rain date: June 13)
Time: 5 - 9 pm, raffle drawing @ 7:30 pm
Place: Redbones, 55 Chester Street, Somerville
Information: 617.628.2200 &
Tickets: $15.00 includes bicycle valet parking, a Redbones sandwich, soft drink or beer & a raffle ticket. All tickets purchased on site.
Sponsors & Raffle Prizes:
The Grand Prize, a custom made cargo bike, is being donated by returning lead sponsor, Alternative Needs Transportation (ANT). Many additional sponsors donate awesome prizes for the raffle including amazing bikes, gear & lots of swag.
Entertainment: Live music by The SAPS - 2nd Line Social Aid & Pleasure Society Brass Band: we aim to please if the cause is true and the time is right.