Action Alert: Support Needed For Vulnerable Road Users Bill
Following up on our announcement last week of next Tuesday's hearing on our Vulnerable Road Users bill (House Bill 3079), we need your help to get the bill moving out of the Joint Committee on Transportation. This is an essential first step toward getting the bill passed. Look here for more details about the bill.
How To Help: If you, or someone you care about, has been injured by a motorist while bicycling or walking, and the motorist was not ticketed or prosecuted, please submit your personal story about how this has impacted your life. Contact Executive Director David Watson at [email protected] or 617-542-2453. You can submit your testimony either in writing, or in-person at the hearing, but be sure to let David know either way.
Telling Your Story In Writing: Send a letter or email to the chairs of the Joint Committee on Transportation. Be sure to reference "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE SAFETY OF VULNERABLE ROAD USERS", House Bill No. 3079. This does not have to be complicated or formal - simply tell your story in your own words and in your own style.Senator Thomas McGee and Representative William Straus
Joint Committee on Transportation
State House, Room 134
Boston, MA 02133
You can also email your comments to [email protected] and [email protected]. Be sure to send a copy to David Watson by email or mail too.
Telling Your Story In Writing: Send a letter or email to the chairs of the Joint Committee on Transportation. Be sure to reference "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE SAFETY OF VULNERABLE ROAD USERS", House Bill No. 3079. This does not have to be complicated or formal - simply tell your story in your own words and in your own style.Senator Thomas McGee and Representative William Straus
Telling Your Story In Person: The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14, 2011, from 1-5pm, in State House Room B-1. Let David Watson know that you plan to attend the hearing. Please plan to arrive early to check in with David and sign up to testify. There will be several bills at the hearing, our bill is "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE SAFETY OF VULNERABLE ROAD USERS", House Bill No. 3079. As with written testimony, this does not have to be complicated - just tell your story.The committee may hear testimony on all the bills in the order in which people sign up, or they may decide to group testimony on the same bill, so there is no way to know exactly when testimony on our bill will happen.
It is a good idea to submit your testimony in writing even if you plan to speak - it will allow the committee members to refer back to your testimony, and if you have to leave early the committee will still consider what you have to say.
Please do not wear bicycle clothing or helmets to the hearing - wear regular street clothes (or a jacket and tie). It is vitally important that we convey to the committee that bicyclists are mainstream people from all walks of life.
Telling Your Story In Person: The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14, 2011, from 1-5pm, in State House Room B-1. Let David Watson know that you plan to attend the hearing. Please plan to arrive early to check in with David and sign up to testify. There will be several bills at the hearing, our bill is "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE SAFETY OF VULNERABLE ROAD USERS", House Bill No. 3079. As with written testimony, this does not have to be complicated - just tell your story.The committee may hear testimony on all the bills in the order in which people sign up, or they may decide to group testimony on the same bill, so there is no way to know exactly when testimony on our bill will happen.
The more people who speak or write in support of the bill, the greater the likelihood that the committee will report favorably and the bill will move on to the next step. Every person's story will make a difference, so please participate!