Request Free Bike Safety Classes At Your Kids' Schools
The school year is coming up fast, so we wanted to let parents know about the bike safety classes available to kids between grades 4 and 8. Every year, we instruct thousands of children on how to ride their bike safely, and we want to reach thousands more this fall! We need your help to bring our instructors to your kids' schools.
To receive these courses, the school needs to contact MassRIDES at the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Talk to your school's principal, P.E. teacher, or another employee and let them know you want these classes offered. To schedule a class, they should contact Ben Hammer, the statewide Safe Routes to School Coordinator, at [email protected].
More about Safe Routes to School
MassBike is able to offer these youth safety classes through the state's Safe Routes to School Program. Safe Routes to School is a federally-funded program which promotes healthy transportation alternatives for trips to and from school. The program aims to foster a mobile and active lifestyle, and to reduce traffic congestion and improve public health by encouraging the use of alternative transportation.
In only three months this past spring, MassBike alone educated over 1,200 elementary and middle school students through the Safe Routes to School Program. We also trained staff members at two elementary schools to give the safety lessons, dramatically expanding the number of kids potentially reached. In all, the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program has reached 25% of the state’s students and developed partnerships with nearly 350 elementary schools in 116 communities.