Save Cycling At The 12th Annual National Bike Summit

With the current threats to federal bike funding it is more important than ever to show your support for bicycling. On March 20 - 22, the 12th annual National Bike Summit will take place in Washington D.C. and bring together advocates and government official from across the country to talk about biking in America. This is a critical year for the National Bike Summit as it comes in the midst of a major vote regarding federal bike funding.

We've coordinated the Massachusetts delegation to the Summit for many years, and we're looking forward to doing so again in this critical year. We typically have good representation from the Boston Metro area, but need widespread support from around the state. We hope local advocates, particularly from outside the Metro Boston area, will join us in DC to meet with their Representatives. Be sure to register before the early bird discount ends on February 3! Please follow the link to sign up for this important event.