With so many reasons to ride a bike, there are just as many ways to find funding for biking infrastructure and programs.
Biking is both transportation and recreation, is good for physical and mental health, helps protect the climate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provides mobility for people with disabilities and independence for folks who do not drive, reduces congestion in dense areas, and promotes civic engagement. Any of these positive arguments can be used in seeking support for bicycling projects and programs, depending on the funding source. Funding also changes season over season. Funding can come and go as programs get launched and sunsetted.
Knowing all the opportunities is challenging, so MassBike has created a living document to help guide your work. The goal of this spreadsheet is to help you navigate which funding sources you or your organization could pursue depending on the type of project you’re working on and which stage of the process you’re currently in.
Funding Sources Spreadsheet
Federal Funding
- For federal funding please form relationships with your city or town planners and ask them how they are engaging with your Regional Planning Agency. The Regional Planning Agencies are the trustees of federal funds. And most of these funds require a municipality to apply for them through the TIP (Transportation Improvement Process).
Non-Government Organizations (NGO)/Private Funding
- These are subject to change often. Our spreadsheet offers a high-level overview of known grant sources. Please check with local developers, universities and banks for Community Benefit projects.
- In the “Newsletters” tab you’ll find links to subscribe to several newsletters that often contain information about funding opportunities
- If there are newsletters that aren’t on the list that you think should be included, please reach out to MassBike
Other Spreadsheets
- In the “Other Spreadsheets” tab we’ve gathered fundraising spreadsheets put together by other organizations.
- If there are other fundraising spreadsheets you’re aware of that you think should be included, please reach out to MassBike
Notes: Most grants are centered around construction due to their cost and long-term expense, making it hard to find funding for smaller aspects of a project such as: Design work, Feasibility studies, Maintenance and Administration.
For more inquiries reach out to Alexis at MassBike [email protected]