Separated Bike Lanes in Belmont Need Your Support
Did you know that Belmont is considering installing parking-protected bicycle lanes on Concord Avenue?
Thie week on February 17th, at 7PM, Belmont’s Transportation Advisory Committee will hold a public hearing to discuss the possible installation of parking-protected bicycle lanes on Concord Avenue.
The bike lanes that currently exist along Concord avenue discourage inexperienced riders from biking on Concord Avenue. They leave people on bikes between parked cars and the busy travel lane with buses. Right now, students who may be biking to school could experience blocked bike lanes, car doors opening into their bike lane, and other hazards as they are left unprotected.
Parking protected bike lanes reduce the risk of dooring, eliminate the risk that vehicles can block the bike lane, prevent bicyclists from being passed too close, and invite riders of all ages and abilities to cycle.
Progress on these plans was held back by concerns about the parking loss these new lanes would create. The process is now starting again, but we need your support to make sure these lanes can be installed this year with the planned repaving of Concord Avenue.
If you live in Belmont or regularly ride on Concord Ave, please attend the remote meeting on February 17th at 7PM, to make sure that Belmont knows that there is strong support for these safer bike lanes.
Take Action
- Learn more about the public meeting: Belmont Transportation Advisory Committee February 17, 2022
- View the full conceptual plan: Concord Ave Separated Bike Lanes Plan
- Join the public meeting on 2/17 at 7pm with this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88973601904