Learn the tips and tricks of keeping your bike clean and happy from MassBike Executive Director, Galen Mook. Giving your bike a regular cleaning makes sure it will keep you rolling for miles to come. In this workshop, Galen breaks done the direct on the deep cleaning know-how while sticking to the bascis, without needing a lot of space of fancy equipment.

Want to follow along as you watch? Check out the Galen's Bike Cleaning Materials List below the video & grab your bike for a good cleaning.



Galen’s Bike Cleaning Materials List


  • Simple Green (diluted) or Green Fizz (bike specific wash)
  • Bike-Specific Degreaser
  • WD-40 (sparingly, you will need to regrease after using)
  • Rubbing alcohol


  • Thin “Dry” lube 
  • Thicker “Wet” or “Wax” lube 
  • Thin lube in a spray can.

Rags and Brushes

  • Preferably an old bike month t-shirt for rags
  • Plastic bristle brush (not metal)
  • Pieces of cardboard to get in between cogs.


  • Watering can (preferably with warm water)


  • Gloves
  • Apron

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