Bike Lane Protection Bill Signed into Law!
After a lengthy process that went up against the last possible moment on Friday, the Bike Lane Protection Bill was signed into law by Governor Baker!
Thanks to the support of our members, the efforts of groups like Livable Streets Alliance and the Boston Cyclists Union, and the hard work of key legislators like Senator William Brownsberger and Representative Dave Rogers we are able to celebrate this victory! MassBike filed this piece of legislation and we could not be more thrilled about this success.
We encourage our members to thank their lawmakers who have supported this bill through the process.
But wait... there's more!
Just as we celebrate this new bike friendly law MassBike is busy working on the 2017/2018 legislative agenda. The process begins again! We are currently assisting with the assembly of the largest package of bicycle and pedestrian related bills since the 2008 Bicycle Safety Bill, to be filed next week. We will be sending out more information soon, including bill numbers, after it has been filed.
But in the mean time... please join us this Wednesday for our State of the Coalition event at our Boston office (it's free to attend!) and hear about some of the key parts of this new piece of legislation.
Find out more about the State of the Coalition and RSVP here.
Recent responses
Robert Rosofsky commented 2017-01-16 09:59:42 -0500
John O'Toole commented 2017-01-16 09:11:34 -0500