In June of 2019, MassBike and Mass in Motion hosted three regional bike summits in Worcester, Salem, and Springfield. These seminar style events featured experts in fields such as community organizing, engineering, equity, education, land use planning. Each speaker shared their knowledge through the lens of public health with the goal of building capacity, sharing resources and best practices related to bicycling for Mass in Motion coordinators and other aligned partners.
With the help of our Central Mass, North Shore, and Connecticut River Valley Chapters we had three full days of fantastic content that we have shared with you below. For those of you who were able to attend in person, the slide decks and videos are a great refresher and for those who were unable to attend, we hope you enjoy the presentations!
Presentation Slide Decks:
American Women's Cycling Network - Monique Trammell
Complete Streets in Worcester - Brian Pigeon, Senior Transportation Planner
Complete Streets 201 - Tom DiPaolo, MassDOT
Safe Routes to School Worcester - Rachel O’Donnell, SRTS, and Galen Mook, MassBike
Local Grassroots Advocacy Initiatives - Karin Valentine Goins, WalkBike Worcester
Presentation Slide Decks:
Complete Streets 201 - Michelle Danila, P.E., PTOE., Complete Streets Engineer
City Bringing in Bike Share - Tom Devine, City of Salem
What is a good bike network? - Anna Gartsman, MassDOT Office of Performance Management & Innovation
Innovating for People in Salem - Karl Alexander, Zagster
To see the full photo album from the Springfield Summit click here!
Presentation Slide Decks:
WalkBike Springfield and the Way Finders Healthy Hill Initiative - Beatrice Dewberry, Wayfinders
Local Bicycle Network Planning - Jeff McCollough, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
Safe Routes to School - Patrick Higgins, SRTS and Galen Mook, MassBike
Check out this Worcester News clip on the event! We'll have full video of each presentation coming soon.