Business Membership

MassBike believes in businesses that create opportunities for sustainable transit and recreation for their employees and the community. Those companies who have demonstrated commitment to equitable transportation solutions are highlighted here as part of our Business Membership program. In addition to the support of our individual members, MassBike relies on the generous contributions from our partner organizations. Interested in becoming a business member? Email us at [email protected] for more information.


Executive & Presenting

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3cross Brewery

DuVine Cycling Adventures

Ciclismo Classico

Philip B. Posner, Attorney/Sustainability Consultant

Show the Commonwealth that your business supports its employees pedaling to work. As thanks for your generosity, MassBike offers classes, programs, assessments, and more to help your office grow and improve.

Want some ideas of how you can do more for your employees and your business? Check out this short video on four Boston-area businesses and how they help to create healthier workers, more competitive companies, new business opportunities, and a sense of community.