Please contact your Massachusetts elected officials and encourage them to co-sponsor these key bills this legislative session. Visit Find My Legislator to identify your Representative and Senator and to find their contact info, and call or email them today using the script below (please feel free to go off script, and please share a story about why promoting bicycling, improving road safety, and building our rail trails are so important to you!).

If you’re sending in an email, we suggest using the subject “Please co-sponsor better bicycling bills” and cc [email protected] on your email.

House of Representatives Version

Hi, my name is ______, I am a constituent of Representative ______ and am asking for their support on the following bills that would make our roads safer by preventing traffic deaths, promote electric bicycles and bike commuting, and fund our state's rail trail network.

An Act to reduce traffic fatalities, HD.1888, filed by Rep. Moran and Rep. Straus, ensures basic, necessary traffic regulations to guarantee safety for vulnerable road users, such as bicyclists, pedestrians, roadside workers, and more and save lives on our roads.

An Act relative to automated enforcement HD.3705, filed by Rep. Ciccolo, allows municipalities to install cameras to enforce certain traffic infractions, while protecting drivers’ and vehicle owners’ privacy.

An Act relative to electric bicycles HD.1396, filed by Rep. Fernandes and Rep Owens, defines electric bicycles as distinct from mopeds so they can be regulated more similarly to bicycles.

An Act relative to electric bicycle rebates HD.2436, filed by Rep. Blais, provides rebates for electric bicycle purchases as part of the State's electric vehicle incentive program.

An Act relative to commuter transit benefits HD.2249 , filed by Rep. Vitolo, adds bicycling to the pre-tax benefits claimed for commuting, related to taxable income, specifically for costs related to bikeshare membership, purchasing a bicycle (including electric bicycles), repairs and upgrades, and storage, as well as Regional Transit Authority passes.

and An Act authorizing municipalities to expend certain funds for the acquisition of land to be used for rail trails HD.456 , filed by Rep. Gentile and Rep. Sabadosa, clarifies that municipalities are allowed to use Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for acquiring right of ways for the development of rail trails.

These collective bills represent the statewide interest and demand for roadway safety and better bicycling for all riders throughout the commonwealth, and I appreciate the concerns of the Representatives who filed them. Can we count on you to sign onto these bills this session?

Thank you.





Senate Version

Hi, my name is ______, I am a constituent of Senator ______ and am asking for their support on the following bills that would make our roads safer by preventing traffic deaths, promote electric bicycles and bike commuting, and fund our state's rail trail network.

An Act to reduce traffic fatalities SD.1613, filed by Sen. Brownsberger, ensures basic, necessary traffic regulations to guarantee safety for vulnerable road users, such as bicyclists, pedestrians, roadside workers, and more and save lives on our roads.

An Act relative to automated enforcement SD.1962, filed by Sen. Brownsberger, allows municipalities to install cameras to enforce certain traffic infractions, while protecting drivers’ and vehicle owners’ privacy.

An Act relative to electric bicycles SD.2303, filed by Sen. DiDomenico, defines electric bicycles as distinct from mopeds so they can be regulated more similarly to bicycles.

An Act relative to commuter transit benefits SD.1340 , filed by Sen. Keenan, provides rebates for electric bicycle purchases as part of the State's electric vehicle incentive program.

and An Act authorizing municipalities to expend certain funds for the acquisition of land to be used for rail trails SD.160 , filed by Sen. Eldridge, clarifies that municipalities are allowed to use Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for acquiring right of ways for the development of rail trails.

These collective bills represent the statewide interest and demand for roadway safety and better bicycling for all riders throughout the commonwealth, and I appreciate the concerns of the Senators who filed them. Can we count on you to sign onto these bills this session?

Thank you.





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