Help Support E-Bikes in Transportation Bond Bill

** 7/17/20 UPDATE: The e-bike and micromobility amendment 163 passed with a voice vote in the Senate to be included in their version of the transportation bond bill! Thanks to all the supporters and constituents who contacted their Senators to ask them to support defining e-bikes in Massachusetts. **

We need your help! This Thursday, July 16th the MA Senate will debate and vote on the transportation bond bill, which includes a specific amendment filed by Senator Sal DiDomenico to classify electric bicycles.

This amendment defines e-bikes to make them distinct from mopeds, so they can be regulated similar to bicycles. We need your help to ask your Senator to vote "YES" on Amendment Number 163. The vote is taking place this Thursday, July 16 so please take a minute to help TODAY!

This is our chance to ensure e-bikes are legalized throughout Massachusetts. Please contact your Senator before this Thursday.

For more information about MassBike advocacy related to defining electric bicycles, please see our page here.


Other key amendments related to better bicycling MassBike is supporting, along with our advocacy partners at Transportation for Massachusetts:

• Funding for Complete Streets, focusing on environmental justice communities that stand to benefit the most from safe walking and bicycling | Amendment Number 210

• Transportation Improvements that Support Climate Change Mitigation | Amendment Number 190

• Local Tax on Large Commercial Parking Lots for Local Transportation | Amendment Number 225

You can read more about the other amendments we support and those we oppose here.



Dear Senator ______________________________,
I am contacting you as a constituent regarding the Transportation Bond Bill. I urge support for Amendment 163, filed by Senator Sal DiDomenico, to classify electric bicycles. This amendment defines e-bikes to make them distinct from mopeds, so they can be regulated similar to bicycles. This is important legislation since electric bicycles allow more people to ride more bikes longer distances, which helps with concerns related to combating climate change, easing traffic congestion, and accessibility with more folks with varying abilities being able to ride bikes. This is a high priority for MassBike, the statewide bicycling coalition.
In addition, I urge support for the following items:
  • Funding for Complete Streets, focusing on environmental justice communities that stand to benefit the most from safe walking and bicycling | Amendment Number 210 (filed by Senators Chandler and Eldridge)
  • Transportation Improvements that Support Climate Change Mitigation | Amendment Number 190 (filed by Senators Cyr and Eldridge)
  • Local Tax on Large Commercial Parking Lots for Local Transportation | Amendment Number 225 (filed by Senator Jehlen)
These amendments are important to me because _________________________. 
Thank you for your consideration of my request.