Biking Brookline Group Ride
This Saturday, June 8, Biking Brookline will lead a 29-mile ride on a loop along the Charles, Mystic, and Malden rivers to the Northern Strand Trail in Everett, returning on the Somerville Community Path Extension.
Along the way, we will stop for lunch at the Everett Multi-Modal Transportation Fair, where there will be food trucks, music, arts and crafts, a kid’s bike parade, and representatives from many sustainable transportation groups.
When and Where
We will meet-up at the center of Knyvet Square between Amory and St. Paul Streets at 9:00 AM and head out at 9:15 AM sharp. You can also join the group in Cambridge at the beginning of Waverly Path on Erie Street at 9:30 AM.
The rain date for the ride is Sunday, June 9th. Registered riders will be notified by email if the ride has been changed to the rain date.
Description of the Ride
The ride will be at a leisurely, relaxed pace and will be mainly on bike paths and local streets, but there will be a few stretches on main roads. We expect the ride to take 6 - 7 hours, including a one hour break for lunch at the fair.
How to Register for the Ride
If you would like to join us for the ride, please register using this link.
The registration form will ask you to agree to the Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity.
Children are welcome on the ride, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who must agree to the Parental Consent Agreement when registering the child (using the same link).
We hope you can join us for the ride!
Biking Brookline does a group ride every few weeks on either a Saturday or Sunday, as weather allows. We notify our members of an upcoming ride by email a few days in advance and also post the rides on our website and our Facebook page.
The rain date for all rides is the Saturday of the same weekend for rides scheduled for a Sunday, and the Sunday of the same weekend for rides scheduled for a Saturday. We will notify all registered riders by email of a change to the rain date by Friday, 5 PM.
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Emma Walter is hosting. 2024-06-07 15:25:36 -0400
Emma Walter published this page in Massachusetts Bike-Friendly Events Calendar 2024-06-07 15:25:36 -0400