Daylight Ride on the Refuge
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge’s Annual Let’s Go Outside will be on Saturday, June 15. All kinds of fun nature-based activities will be taking place throughout the Refuge – fishing, archery, kayaking, as well as arts & crafts, live raptors, tide pooling, story time, and more.
This year, Newburyport Livable Streets is hosting a Daylight Ride on the Refuge as part of the festivities. Come anytime between 10 and 3 and cycle along the Refuge Road as far as you want. The road will be closed to all cars, with the exception of shuttle buses carrying people to the various activities. The ride is appropriate for everyone including families with children.
Admission to the Refuge will be free for Let’s Go Outside, and parking will be available at Lot 1.
The Refuge encourages nonmotorized access at all times year round. Cyclists and walkers may always enter the Refuge during hours even if the parking lots are full and the gate is closed.
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Emma Walter is hosting. 2024-05-10 11:35:34 -0400
Emma Walter published this page in Massachusetts Bike-Friendly Events Calendar 2024-05-10 11:35:34 -0400