Terry Cowman commented
2024-04-01 20:00:45 -0400
North Shore PMC Kids Ride
Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 07:45 AM

Registration Fee: $20
Minimum Fundraising Amount: $40.00
Welcome to the North Shore (formerly Cape Ann) PMC Kids Ride! We hope you will join us as we ride to raise money for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute!
7:45–8:00 am - Arrival
Park your car in the designated area. Bring your bike and park in the location specific to your loop. There will be volunteers to guide you. Early check-in for riders & volunteers: TBD
7:45–8:15 am - Check-in for Riders and Volunteers
Park your bikes in the marked start area (make note of where you parked them!). Check in so you can get your t-shirt and if you are a rider so you can get your bike number! All riders must have a bike number so they know what route they are riding.
8:30–8:45 am - Opening Ceremonies
We ask everyone to join us at the gazebo...it's okay to leave the bikes for now - they'll wait for you! Welcome and announcements...get ready for the rollout!
9:00 am - Ride Start
Parents—please do not walk on the route. Only parents that have registered to volunteer as Bike Marshals or as Route Guides may ride or be on-foot on the routes.
Park your car in the designated area. Bring your bike and park in the location specific to your loop. There will be volunteers to guide you. Early check-in for riders & volunteers: TBD
7:45–8:15 am - Check-in for Riders and Volunteers
Park your bikes in the marked start area (make note of where you parked them!). Check in so you can get your t-shirt and if you are a rider so you can get your bike number! All riders must have a bike number so they know what route they are riding.
8:30–8:45 am - Opening Ceremonies
We ask everyone to join us at the gazebo...it's okay to leave the bikes for now - they'll wait for you! Welcome and announcements...get ready for the rollout!
9:00 am - Ride Start
Parents—please do not walk on the route. Only parents that have registered to volunteer as Bike Marshals or as Route Guides may ride or be on-foot on the routes.
Please cheer on the riders as they begin their ride. We'll send off riders by route to keep the flow going safely. The riders will return to where they started and you can meet them at the end of the ride.
Tykes Loop—A parent must remain at this route while their child is riding.
Tykes Loop—A parent must remain at this route while their child is riding.
9:00–10:30 am
Kids may ride the paved routes multiple times, time permitting. Tykes can circle in their loop for as long as they want. At 10 am, adult volunteers will sweep the 1 and 3 mile routes to make sure all riders are in. The kids will leave their bikes in the parking lot where they started and return to the park to enjoy the festivities!
9:00–11:30 am - Post-Ride Party
Please enjoy the party including:
Raffle—lots of prizes!
Kids may ride the paved routes multiple times, time permitting. Tykes can circle in their loop for as long as they want. At 10 am, adult volunteers will sweep the 1 and 3 mile routes to make sure all riders are in. The kids will leave their bikes in the parking lot where they started and return to the park to enjoy the festivities!
9:00–11:30 am - Post-Ride Party
Please enjoy the party including:
Raffle—lots of prizes!
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Emma Walter is hosting. 2024-04-01 17:07:01 -0400
Emma Walter published this page in Massachusetts Bike-Friendly Events Calendar 2024-04-01 17:07:01 -0400