July MassBike Meet-Up

Our MassBike June Meet-Up is on Monday, July 26th at noon, MassBike's Communications Coordinator, Jes, will be chatting about how MassBike can help you get the word out about the bike-friendly work you're doing in your community. Whether it's a new bridge on your local rail-trail (like the bridge on the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail in the photo above) or a community bike rodeo, MassBike wants to help you spread the news of your work statewide. Bring your lunch and come with some bicycling news to share from your community.
Join to learn about:
- MassBike's Communications
- Guest Blogging for MassBike
- How to spread the word about what's happening around bicycling in your community
MassBike Meet-Ups happen every fourth Monday of the month, these virtual chats fill you in on our work, give you a chance to ask questions, and let us know what you’ve been working on in your community. If you have suggestions for future Meet-Up topics, send them to [email protected]