Register for the 2021 National Bike Summit
Join MassBike for the National Bike Summit- virtually! The 2021 National Bike Summit will be taking place online, February 28th - March 3rd. Attend educational workshops, network with bicycling advocates from across the country, and advocate for your congressional district during the virtual lobby day.
The National Bike Summit usually takes place in Washington D.C. every year and our mighty Massachusetts delegation usually travels down to Washington to learn, share, and lobby for better bicycling policies with our senators and congresspeople. With this year’s virtual format, we're looking to grow our team to have a bigger group than ever before attend the summit. Bicycling advocates from across the commonwealth are encouraged to attend, to share knowledge, learn from each other, and show our legislators that we have statewide support for better bicycling for all in Massachusetts.
From February 28th-March 2nd the Summit will feature educational sessions and programming for bicycling advocates from across the country to share stories of successes and lessons learned. The Bike League published a sneak peak of the early agenda and there is a strong slate of presenters that have already been announced - including a panel featuring MassBike to present on our state's shared and safe streets program!
On March 3rd, you can join us for virtual lobby day where you will advocate for your congressional district (over Zoom, of course). We hope you'll join this great opportunity to voice your support for better bicycling in your community as it is impacted by legislation on a national level. If you wish to participate in lobby day, you must register before February 17th. We hope to have a large delegation for the lobby day to show our stalwart servants in Washington how much momentum there is behind better bicycling in Massachusetts.
Register Today! General early bird registration before Feb 1 is $150, and League Member early bird registration is $50. To participate in the virtual lobby day you MUST register before February 17th and we really hope you join us for this day of action! You can find more information on the Bike League Website and let us know if you have any questions or additions to bring to the delegation as we round up advocates from across the state in the coming weeks.