Ride For Your Life

Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 11:00 AM

Join us on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims to Ride for Your Life. This year, fifty pedetrians and eight cyclists lost their lives to road violence in Massachusetts. Three cyclists were killed in Cambridge alone. These deaths are preventable, and we will not accept any loss of life on our roads. Join us on the World Day of Remembrance to remember those who we have lost and encourage our state legislators to pass legislation that prevents anyone else from losing a loved one. We will meet at the Cambridge Common at 10:45am on November 17th and bike to the State House. If you cannot ride, all are welcome to join for the rally at the State House at 12pm on November 17th.

The finalized route is now available here. We will ride past the sites of many cyclist and pedestrian crashes in Cambridge, including the sites where Kim Staley, Minh-Thi Nguyen, and John Corcoran were killed this year. For safety purposes, when we pass the sites of the crashes, please do not stop. 
This route is 6.6 miles long, and will take the form of a critical mass style ride with the group staying together the entire time. We will be riding at a slow roll pace suitable for a memorial ride


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