Urban Riding Workshop - A Better City + Allston Brighton TMAs

Wednesday, September 01, 2021 at 12:00 PM

Are you curious about hopping on your bike for everyday commuting, errands, and exercise, but hesitant about how to get going in a busy urban environment? You’re not alone! This urban biking seminar is geared toward sharing the knowledge and empowerment to take your commute into your hands in the city, and what to watch for in traffic being safe around other traffic, anticipating unplanned maneuvers, being predictable and visible, and how to ride in roads along with other traffic. Biking is fast, free, and fun (and you’ll get fit), and it's good for your physical and mental health -- especially important these days! The experts at MassBike have honed their tips to get you over the barriers. Join us for an hour-long presentation and discussion, come with your questions and your stories, and learn along with fellow bikers.

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