It's Not Too Early To Start Planning For Bay State Bike Week, May 17th To 21st

We're hoping you join us this May 17th to 21st for Bay State Bike Week, a week when Massachusetts will celebrates bicycle transportation!

This year, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition (MassBike) will collaborate to make Bay State Bike Week an exciting statewide happening, with rides and other events in every corner of Massachusetts. This partnership between MassDOT, the state transportation department, and MassBike, Massachusetts' statewide bicycling advocacy group, enables the two organizations to work together to get the word out as widely as possible, and to broaden the scope of Bike Week events.

To kick off the planning today we're launching the 2010 Bay State Bike Week website at In the coming weeks we'll be adding information for event organizers and participants. Event organizers can already use the website to submit your event for the website's statewide calendar! In addition, watch for information on how to receive cool stuff for your event, including t-shirts, reflectors and posters while supplies last. We'll also provide you with ideas and advice on organizing new events.

We are all excited about promoting biking as a mode of transportation; it's safe, it's economical, it's healthy, it's environmentally-friendly, it's fast, and it's fun! We are building on two years of successful efforts by Boston-area groups to unify Bike Week events, a decade of organized Bike Week activities in Western Massachusetts, and a long history of Bike Week celebrations across the Commonwealth.

May is fast approaching, so start planning now! Mark May 17th to May 21st on your calendar for Bay State Bike Week and check the website for more information.

Bay State Bike Week is part of the Healthy Transportation Compact.