Advocates Improving Intersections In Hampshire County

Last weekend, a dozen volunteers braved the chilly New England Fall weather to work on making intersections in Northampton and Amherst better for bicyclists. Through a partnership with the Hampshire Council of Governments, and thanks to our partnership with Mass in Motion, we were able to come out and train local bicyclists how to use the assessment form, what to think about when assessing the intersections, and the most important things to document. Then we set them loose!

Did you miss the assessment last weekend? Don't worry! We are going to be doing a second round of intersection assessments this coming weekend to hit the spots we couldn't get to. If you would like to help out, send an email to me at [email protected]. The times are listed at the bottom of the page. We'll also be in Belchertown on Monday from 11 - 1, if you have time to help out.

The Pioneer Valley is fortunate to have a MassBike Chapter, whose members serve on numerous local and regional advisory boards. They also have on-the-ground knowledge about the bicyclist experience, and important community connections to round up volunteers for activities just like this. Since June, we have taught both of our Bikeable Communities Trainings, taught Springfield youth on how to do Bikeability Assessments, and begun assisting Holyoke in expanding their bicycle infrastructure.

If you would like to help out this weekend, please do! And bring friends - the more boots (or tires) on the ground, the more intersections we can assess.

Saturday, November 10th
Meet at the Forbes Library

Sunday, November 11th
Meet at the Jones Library

Monday, November 12th
Meet at the Clapp Memorial Library