MassBike's ED Appointed To MassDOT Transportation Advisory Committee
MassBike Executive Director David Watson has been appointed to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation's new statewide advisory committee. The Transportation Advisory Committee, which meets for the first time later this month, will advise the MassDOT board and leadership. MassBike will have a direct say in the full range of transportation issues facing the state. The committee represents a wide range of interests and MassDOT gets credit for including advocates for sustainable transportation in keeping with the Healthy Transportation Compact and the GreenDOT Initiative.
UPDATE: We just received the charter for the committee, which provides more insight into what the committee will be doing:
Transportation Advisory Committee Charter
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is an independent body appointed by the Secretary of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Its purpose is to serve as public forum to discuss issues related to the implementation of the Commonwealth’s transportation reform legislation enacted in 2009, and to verify and observe MassDOT progress on reform.
The TAC will serve as a resource to the MassDOT Board of Directors and the MassDOT itself by providing input and feedback on DOT initiatives. They will offer advice to MassDOT leaders, provide feedback on how MassDOT policies are being implemented, and serve as independent validators on the progress, success, and shortcomings of transportation reform.
While the exact framework of their meetings and organization is left to the TAC, MassDOT expects that they will meet at least quarterly, and will work through subcommittees to study various topics related to transportation reform. Its members, chaired by Alan Macdonald, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Business Roundtable, are leaders and experts in the transportation field, representing all modes and regions of the Commonwealth.