Advocacy Toolkit: We Need Your Help
MassBike has partnered with the Boston Public Health Commission and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) program to create an advocacy toolkit. The aim of this toolkit is to enhance the abilities of Commonwealth residents to advocate for better bicycling infrastructure and programs in their own communities.
Do you have any questions/advice/stories about advocacy successes, advocacy failures, infrastructure concerns, good and bad interactions with state and local officials in the Bay State? If so, please pass them along! I want to make sure the content of this toolkit will reflect what YOU need to know and coincides with the experiences that YOU have already had. If you do not want to post your experiences and comments to the public, please send them along to me at [email protected] (MassBike will respect your privacy to the utmost.)
This last weekend I conversed with a few riders on the Mass BikePike Tour (which was great!) about advocacy, infrastructure, and this toolkit. This made me realize that I have been working on this project over the course of the summer without asking for the input of Massachusetts' most knowledgeable residents: MassBike members!
Thank you, with your help this Toolkit will be a guiding document in MassBike's effort to see better bicycling in Massachusetts.