Making Democracy Work!

Have you ever walked the halls of the State House? Or met your state representative or senator? Do you want to?

We are in the very early stages of planning a state advocacy summit at the State House in May. A critical part to a state summit, though, is having people from around the state participate! (Democracy doesn't work without citizen involvement, ya know?) This includes not only knocking on your legislators' doors, but also potentially having an information table about local bike advocacy going on in your part of the state.

To that end, we are trying to get a sense of whether those in the bike community (that means you) would be willing to come to Boston for a weekday, morning time event on Thursday, May 17. A rough sketch of the event is as follows:

    • You would set up a meeting with your representative or senator ahead of time.
    • The event would start around 10 AM, at which point you would pick up an information packet for yourself and your legislators.
    • We would give talking points and other tips on specific pieces of legislation (like our Vulnerable Road Users Bill) before your meeting.
    • Come back to the main room, let us know how things went and eat some lunch.

So our questions for you are:

(1 = not at all, 10 = count me in)

    • On a scale of 1 – 10, are you interested in participating?
    • On a scale of 1 – 10, are you interested in having an information table for your local bike group?

Please send responses to [email protected]. Thanks so much for the interest!