What is a bike rodeo?

An event where kids are taught basic bike safety skills and are encouraged to get excited about riding

How to Organize

1) Find qualified instructors! Contact Massachusetts Safe Routes to Schools program via their Bike Rodeo Request Form, your local police department’s community service officer, or secure a local bike instructor (which MassBike can help with- reach out to [email protected]).

2) Set a location/date/time! For location, you want a protected parking lot or large park space, ideally with flat terrain. With timing, remember to plan around local school schedules; weekends are the best option. Make sure to keep sessions short! Kids get tuckered out after an hour to 90 minutes of riding.

3) Decide on your stations! A bike rodeo relies on keeping kids engaged by moving them through a variety of stations with different tasks and different activities. Some ideas for stations include:

  • Helmet Fit
  • Bike Decoration
  • ABCs of bike maintenance and Bike Parts
  • Rules of the Road + Hand Signals
  • Routing
  • Locking Up

4) Gather a team! Find volunteers to help run the stations and train the group beforehand on how the event will run.

5) Gather some handouts! MassBike can donate a limited number of bike lights as giveaways, plus most local bike shops are willing to donate tools, toolkits, or small safety materials. These can serve as an incentive for signups and build community support for your local bike shop. Consider handing out some informational resources as well; MassBike recommends the Bike League’s Smart Cycling Pamphlet

6) Advertise! Use social media, personal networks, and flyers (try putting them at the public library, near schools or at local businesses where parents and kids might go). Invite a “VIP list” of adults in relevant offices to come to shadow the event and connect with the community. This “VIP list” can include local town officials, local bike shops, local bike/ped groups, etc. Don't forget to add your rodeo to the events calendar.

7) Stay hydrated! We all know that Massachusetts summer temperatures can carry into September, so make sure to stay stocked on water. 



Don’t be afraid to reach out, MassBike is here to help you organize! You can reach us at [email protected]

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