DBK Day at the Bay

Sunday, July 09, 2023 at 12:00 AM
Cost: FREE
When: Sunday July 9th, 2023
Where: Savin Hill Beach & McConnell Park in Dorchester
Time: 10 AM to 1 PM
What will we be doing during DBK Day at the Bay?
  • Free helmets
  • Kids bike themed storytime @ 10:30 AM
  • Yoga for cyclists (60 minutes; bring your own towel/mat) @ 11 AM
  • Food & drinks
Our goal is to help Save the Harbor, Save the Bay to showcase the wonderful beaches and community recreational spaces that the city has to offer while highlighting how wonderful the bicycle is. 

Using the Space
Savin Hill Beach, Malibu Beach, and McConnell Park, are handicap accessible,
public spaces open for everyone in the community to use. Bring your beach
towel to hang on the beach, picnic basket to picnic in the grass, and your

energy to play on the playground!

Come enjoy our local Malibu and Savin Hill Beaches

within the Dorchester Bay with DBK!

Dorchester Bike Kitchen (DBK) is a not-for-profit, donation-
based, volunteer-run, community space that provides the

space, tools, and volunteer knowledge to people who want to

learn about bicycle repair and maintenance!

We aim to make the bicycle an accessible form of

transportation for everyone regardless of expertise or finances.

MBTA Red Line Savin Hill Station
5 minute walk or 2 minute bike ride to Savin Hill Beach/McConnell Park
McConnell Park on Denny Street
Malibu Beach on Morrissey Blvd
Handicap and mobility-impaired accessible spaces

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