NECCD and Blue Hills Cycling Club Present: Henry Ar Foon Celebration Ride
Come join us on a ride to honor Chinese American cyclist Henry Ar Foon, reportedly the first Chinese child born (1874) in the Boston area and elected president of the Winnisimmet Cycle Club of Chelsea in 1897. We visit scenic Wompatuck State Park, lovely Jerusalem Road in Cohasset, and ride to Scituate to his later-in-life home site and grave site.
Start information. The ride will start at Wompatuck State park. If taking the train, the Cohasset MBTA commuter station is about 3 miles away from the Wompatuck Visitor’s center by bike trail. MBTA trains run from South Station.
· Multiple-speed, no-drop groups to accommodate newer riders, and also those who like more spirited rides: 11-18 mph for 17 and 37 miles (extension to Hull). Maps and RideWithGPS directions and ride leaders will be provided.
37 or 42 Mile loop:
37 Mile route from Wompatuck
42 Mile route from the train station
17 or 23 Mile loop:
17 Mile route from Wompatuck
23 Mile route from the train station
Required Pre-register at https://forms.gle/nmKKxUFhFuoH3VK6A. Check website https://neccd.bike/henry-ar-foon-celebration-ride at 6 AM for cancellations. Sign waiver at the start.
Information on Henry Ar Foon in English: https://neccd.bike/henryarfoonoon-en/
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Emma Walter is hosting. 2023-08-22 17:25:14 -0400
Emma Walter published this page in Massachusetts Bike-Friendly Events Calendar 2023-08-22 17:25:14 -0400