John McKingsley followed this page
2017-03-02 18:38:19 -0500
Support MassBike on Giving Tuesday
You've feasted with friends and family. You've shopped. Now it's time to give back. #GivingTuesday is here!
We need your help to make 2016 a banner year for bikes in Massachusetts. We are hoping to raise $5000 this #GivingTuesday. Your support will go directly into the programs and initiatives that will make your town a safer and more enjoyable place to bike.
Here's what you can do to help:
- Give to MassBike. As little as 5 bucks. Every little bit helps.
- Post a video (keep it short and sweet!) and share the 5 things you want to see improve for bikes in your city or town. What could be better? What is challenging or unsafe about where you ride? Let us know!
- Tag MassBike in your video... and then tag 5 friends and ask them to do the same, either post a video or give to MassBike! And remember to use #GivingTuesday!
That's it! Easy, right? Donate $5 or post a short video. (Of can do both, if you really want to!)
Be heard. Give back. Support MassBike this #GivingTuesday!