Worcester Cycling History Workshop

Thursday, December 08, 2022 at 05:30 PM

Riders at MassBike's Bike to the Ballpark event pose with the Major Taylor Statue, photo by Neal Mcnamara

Did you know that Worcester was home to the world's first Black sports superstar? Marshall Walter "Major" Taylor was a world cycling champion who trained in the streets of Worcester!

Adults aged 50+ and youth are invited to join MassBike and the Major Taylor Association for a Worcester Cycling History workshop. Lynne Tolman of the Major Taylor Association will give a presentation about the "Worcester Whirlwind" Major Taylor and cycling history in Worcester.

At 5:30 pm, the event will begin with networking and snacks. Lynne's presentation will begin at 6pm sharp.

This workshop is part of our AARP Intergenerational Programeligible adults aged 50+ and teens aged 14-18 will earn a $10 gift card for their participation.

Workshop Details

When: Thursday, December 8th

WhereMajor Taylor Museum (2 Main St, Worcester)

Networking & Snacks: 5:30pm

Presentation: 6pm-7pm

This workshop is part of MassBike's AARP Intergenerational Program, adults aged 50+ and youth aged 14-18 are invited to join our upcoming workshops and rides through the end of November.

Funding Provided by