Rolling into 2024

Riders in Beverly at the 2023 Ride of Pete's Sake
While MassBike engages statewide to make bicycling better for every rider, local support and enthusiasm are crucial to making Massachusetts better for all bicyclists. We appreciate all the coalition partners and local advocates we got to collaborate with in 2023. Thanks to our collective work, we’ve made some pretty big impacts to improve bicycling across the Commonwealth.
As the MassBike team reflected on our year, we wanted to share with you a few things MassBike accomplished in 2023:
- Legislation: Helped get Vulnerable Road Users Laws and Bicycle Commuter Benefits signed into law
- Education: Provided bicycle education to over 1,300 students through the Safe Routes to Schools program, hosted a League Certified Instructor Training in Worcester, and collaborated on a Bus Driver Training with the Boston Public Health Commission and LivableStreets Alliance
- Encouragement: During Bay State Bike Month over 190 bike events were posted on our events calendar and the Massachusetts Bike-Friendly Events Calendar is now a permanent part of massbike.org
- Community: In Worcester, we hosted outreach events with community partners and continued to support riders in our Worcester E-Bike Program
- Advocacy: We launched our Bike Advocacy Reference Guide and MassBike volunteers distributed over 2,000 sets of bike lights across Massachusetts through our Lights Brigade Program
This work was made possible thanks to donations from bike-friendly supporters like you. We hope you considering joining MassBike or renewing your membership. The coalition is stronger with your help- we look forward to rolling with you in 2024!